Japan (PMDA) Medical Devices Registration
Japan’s medical devices market is estimated to reach $74.7 billion by 2025. In Japan, the medical devices are governed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW), commonly known as Kōrō-shō in Japan. Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), under MHLW regulates the devices developed and commercialized in Japan.
Introducing medical devices in Japanese market can be time taking and intensive due to stringent regulations and review timelines. In case the device requires clinical trials, the cost of registration can go significantly high. It is therefore critical for medical devices manufacturers to carefully assess the market potential for their products, competitors, pricing and reimbursement strategy in Japan to fully understand the commercial potential of the product.
Classification of Medical Devices in Japan
Class A: Extremely low risk e.g., X-ray film
Category: Class I general medical devices “Todokede”
Registration pathway: Self declaration. Approval of the product is not required, but marketing notification is necessary.
Class B: Low risk; e.g., MRI, digestive catheters
Category: Class II controlled medical devices “Ninsho”
Registration pathway:
Third party Certification by a registered certification body is required.
PMDA approval is required
Class C: Medium risk, e.g., dialyzer
Category: Class III & IV Specially controlled medical devices “Shonin”
Registration pathway:
Third party Certification by a registered certification body is required.
PMDA approval is required
Class D: High risk, e.g., pacemaker
Category: Class III & IV Specially controlled medical devices
Registration pathway:
PMDA approval is required
Medical Devices Registration in Japan

Registration Timelines in Japan
Quality System Conformity as per Korean Good Manufacturing Practices is required.
License Holder

Artixio’s Medical Devices Registration Services in Japan
Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) Services / In Country Care Taker (ICC)
Gap Analysis
Regulatory Intelligence and Strategy
PMA Consultation and Meeting
Technical File Preparation and Submission
FMA Application Preparation and Submission
Quality Management System Implementation
Response to PMDA Queries
Clinical Evaluation and Post Marketing Evaluation